LJ Create
LJ Creates latest range of Automotive trainers and associated lessons are designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to maintain and repair Electric and Hybrid vehicles.
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Electric Vehicle Systems Lab
LJ Creates Innovative Learning Space is a combination of hands-on trainers, and comprehensive EV lessons combined to create a diverse learning experience. This Electric Vehicle Systems Lab provides instruction at three levels: Complete Vehicle Systems - teaching the operation of complete EV and Hybrid Vehicle systems where students can "operate" each type of vehicle, measure what is going on during the various modes of operation, and troubleshoot common problems. Common EV Sub-Systems - providing each student with underpinning knowledge and troubleshooting experience with the most critical EV sub-systems. And lastly, EV Electrical and Electronics Fundamentals - a desktop training system, that provides very specific instruction and practice in the basic skills that are going to be required by students as they complete their studies. Topics covered include: Circuit Protection Conductors, Insulators, Earth Return Voltage, Current, Resistance, Power Calculations of DC/AC Signals... and much more!
The typical Electric Vehicles Systems Lab comprises of the following products shown below:
The typical Electric Vehicles Systems Lab comprises of the following products shown below:
Electric Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer
This brand-new trainer provides students and instructors with the opportunity to demonstrate, investigate, and fault-find a simulation of the electrical system of a typical Electric Vehicle. A power flow mimic allows students to investigate the effects of regenerative braking, and on-board diagnostics can be explored via the intelligent display panel.
EV Batteries and Charging Panel Trainer
This trainer focuses on the operation, safety, structure, and limitations of Electric Vehicle batteries. Students will investigate how battery temperature and efficiency is affected at differing levels of charge. Instructors can demonstrate regenerative charging, and more with this on-vehicle charging systems panel trainer.
EV Motors and Generators Panel Trainer
This trainer focuses on motor speed control, and uses a variety of sensors to feedback motor position and speed. Electrical circuit operation is illustrated under different conditions: Throttle, Brake, and Drive Select. This trainer includes a variety of test points for vehicle electrical components, including the ability to test each phase of a 3-phase motor, and features a schematic of EV circuits with test points for signal monitoring and fault-finding.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Panel Trainer
This trainer provides students and instructors with the opportunity to demonstrate, investigate, and fault-find the circuitry and operation of off-car charging systems. Charging principles such as fast charge, trickle charge, and intelligent charging are covered on this brand-new panel trainer. This trainer includes test points for signal monitoring, fault-finding, and more.
Hybrid Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer
This trainer provides students and instructors with the opportunity to demonstrate, investigate, and fault-find a simulation of a hybrid vehicle electrical system. This trainer is designed to allow access to a simulation of the mechanical operation as well as provide a mimic of the electrical power flow, and includes test points at a safe voltage level to allow for investigation of electrical circuits, as well as fault insertion options to simulate real-world system malfunctions.
Electric Vehicle Electronics Workstation
This trainer allows students to build a variety of introductory EV electronic circuits using a range of on-board and carrier-mounted components, and allows a range of experiment cards to be connected for the practical study of more advanced Electric Vehicle circuits.
Modern Starting and Charging Systems Trainer
This trainer is focused on the starting and charging systems of a modern vehicle. Students are set tasks that encourage them to explore CAN Data Bus systems practically.
Modern Auxiliary Systems Trainer
This trainer sets tasks for students that encourage them to explore CAN Bus electric window, door mirror, seat, and central locking circuits practically and improve their knowledge of these systems.
Modern Automotive Lighting Circuits Trainer
This trainer sets tasks for students that encourage them to explore CAN-controlled lighting circuits practically that improves their knowledge of electrical components, circuits, signals, and systems.